1. Finished the On Being podcast interview with Mary Oliver. She pointed out the importance of paying attention and suggested that paying attention was a gateway toward cultivating empathy– attention being necessary but not sufficient. This interview, brought to my attention via Brain Pickings, is REQUIRED listening for all human beings.
2. Ran two miles until my right leg started to hurt for some unknown reason.
3. Helped tear down a beautiful tree made of construction paper.
4. Connected with teachers on the threshold of a new beginning– the 2015-2016 school year. Shared in the excitement.
5. Ran a 30 minute errand that took more than 3 hours.
6. Tried to transform two yellow heirloom tomatoes into edible art and think I was successful, at least according to my 4 year old. The kicker was definitely the dramatic pouring of a balsamic vinegar reduction on the tomato pyramid immediately prior to service.
7. Helped remove at least 3 day old sand from my son’s hair.
8. Teamed up with my wife to outsell a fabulous salesman.
9. Enjoyed the unique smells and atmosphere of a small market that specializes in Middle Eastern delicacies.
10. Shared the research conclusions of a small experiment that I undertook only yesterday on behalf of a work colleague. The data proved to be surprising.