Many Jewish educational settings have special celebrations during which children receive their first siddur. I wrote this prayer with the intent that it be offered by community rabbis but it could easily be offered by teachers, parents, or anyone else that wishes to offer a blessing for such an occasion.
A Siddur is a very special book, unlike any other.
It is a book that contains sacred Jewish words that have been passed on L’dor Vador, from generation to generation.
To be a child in the Jewish community is to learn how to say these special words and to know what they mean.
Inside your Siddur you will find many prayers, prayers that you can say when your heart is full, and even when your heart is broken.
Inside your Siddur you will find the values that are important to the Jewish people. Values like ruach, kavod, Tzedek, chochmah, and kehillah.
Your siddur will not only connect you with the generations that came before you, but with klal Yisrael, Jewish people all around the world.
Every time you open your Siddur we hope that you feel connected. We hope that you feel connected to your Jewish religion, your Jewish community, and even to God.
We hope that your Siddur will always have a special place in your heart, just like each of you will always have a special place in our Jewish community.
We love you, we are proud of you, and we cannot wait to see where your Jewish journey will lead you.
Mazal Tov!