From Cincinnati to Zimbabwe, from the Pride Parade in Jerusalem to the West Bank– sickening violence mars our world. Horrific acts perpetuated by ordinary men, no different than you and I, except in their capacity and willingness to bring evil into the world. In that spirit here is a prayer for peace, written through the lens of Jewish tradition, but intended for the many communities and faith traditions that seek peace. In offering this prayer let us remember that those who yearn for and strive for peace far outnumber and are far more powerful than those who bring violence, hatred, and evil into the world.
May this community be, for all who enter…
A sukkat shalom, a welcoming haven of peace, a shelter from the storm, a loving embrace.
May this community be, for all who enter…
A bakesh shalom, a loud and proud voice that seeks peace within, among, and beyond, expanding our moral concern.
May this community be, for all who enter…
A birkat shalom, a blessing of peace, a creator and sustainer of peace, and a maker of peace.
And may this community be, for all who enter…
A brit shalom, a covenant of peace, strong and enduring, unbreakable and uncompromising.
May our hearts and our lives be filled with shalom rav, abundant peace. Together let us pray as a kehilat shalom, a community of peace, that we might live in an olam shalem, a world made whole through peace.