Someone recently asked me about these interesting topics. I’m posting my reply here, because I know that lots of people have this question. My answer is just that, MY answer. Judaism leaves a lot of room for interpretation! Judaism generally doesn’t speculate on what “came before” and “what comes after.” Davis kids love to […]
Jewish Marriage Retreat
3 years ago, my wife, Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus, and her colleague, Rabbi Lydia Medwin, created a marriage retreat through our synagogue, The Temple, in Atlanta, GA. Since both Loren and Lydia are married to rabbis, the 4 of us have led this retreat for the last 3 years. It’s a wonderful experience for us […]
Who Knows One?
There’s a popular Passover song called, “Who Knows One?” I’ve been hearing it sung a lot lately due to the many “Model Seders” that are happening at The Davis Academy in anticipation of the upcoming holiday. In that spirit, I want to offer a quick glimpse at the meaning of the song. The song itself […]
Making Space
Two parallel processes– making space within and making space around. I’m working on creating space within. Building on the space between breaths. Stretching the space between stimulus and response, between experience and reaction. Trying to cultivate a kind of internal spaciousness that will honor the expansiveness of the heart and soul. Creating this kind of […]
What is Scripture?
I didn’t realize it until a few moments ago, but for the last couple of years (maybe longer), I’ve been thinking about the question: “What is Scripture?” Now that I realize this has been a foundational question for me, I also realize the answer I’ve been living with for just as long. Here’s my answer: […]
After the morning rain I took a short walk. Along the way I noticed the beads of water hanging on the tips and low points of the small branches of the trees that haven’t yet bloomed with the coming of spring. I understood that those beads of water represent the gathering of all the surrounding […]