While enjoying our stroll through the woods outside of Asheville I had a chance to reflect on the activity of hiking. Specifically, I had a chance to reflect on the different ways that people choose to journey through the woods (and to some extent through life). The fact that we were walking on a trail […]
Mindful Songleading
Being a Jewish songleader isn’t easy. Here’s a list of reasons why (in no particular order): Jews. We’re an irascible group. We don’t always like to be lead. Music. Music is both incredibly simple and incredibly complex. Many musicians and songleaders do a neat thing– they make complex music feel simple and they elevate simple […]
A Joyful Noise at #CCAR17
The Central Conference of American Rabbis just wrapped up a truly inspiring convention here in Atlanta. With deep themes of social justice, the power and importance of the rabbinate, the need to build coalitions across and beyond faith lines, and more, the more than 500 conference attendees (myself included) returned to our home communities energized […]
But I am Not
I have a name, but I am not my name I have a body, but I am not my body I have a job, but I am not my job I have a family, but I am not my family I have thoughts, I have feelings, I have hopes, I have fears, I have a […]
Inspired by Chagall’s La Vie
some of us climb ladders some stand on our heads some bend over backwards some take giant steps some twist and dance and lift our arms some spin around in circles some cover our eyes and our children’s eyes some of us fall out of the sky some of us bang drums and play cellos […]
Baruch Adonai
There’s a common adage that goes (and I’m paraphrasing here), “Whatever we’re looking for is what we will see.” Psalm 68:20, the basis for the song “Baruch Adonai” asks us to see God’s sustaining power in every day and every moment. If we look for this sustaining power can see it? I’m not sure. But […]