Driving down a narrow street in Grant Park on an insanely crowded and unusually warm late October Day. Twice having to cautiously navigate between two parked cars that could have resulted in my hitting either one through the slightest miscalculation. Both times making it through without a scratch. Emerging triumphant onto a properly sized […]
Only This
That I honor the wisdom of children. And everything else about them. That I honor the intense care and concern of parents. And everything else about them. That I honor the endless dedication of teachers. And everything else about them. That I honor the sometimes anxious hunger of students. And everything else about them. That […]
Rabbinic Reflections on Phish
So, “3 rabbis went to a Phish concert,” sounds like the setup for a bad joke. And maybe it is, but it happened. Or, maybe it didn’t. And it probably happens all the time. Or, maybe it doesn’t. Rabbis like Phish. Or not. Last Saturday night I checked out a local Phish show with a […]
100 Words
this story’s subject matter is, so to speak, to be determined at a later date once i’ve figured out what i need to figure out. so maybe it won’t be determined at a later date if i don’t get around to figuring out what i need to figure out. the odds are about even if i’m […]
Surrounded by Teachers
The person you most admire. Your teacher. The person you most despise. Your teacher. The person you love with all your heart. Your teacher. The person who drives you crazy. Your teacher. The person you pass by daily without ever noticing. Your teacher. The person you’ve never met. Your teacher. The childhood friend you lost […]
A Sukkah of Peace
For the last couple of years we’ve had “themed” Sukkahs at The Davis Academy. This year’s theme is: Sukkat Shlomeicha (Sukkah of God’s Peace). Or more colloquially, “The Peace Sukkah.” I’m really excited about it. The inspiration for this theme comes from a Jewish prayer called, “Hashkiveinu.” It is one of many (many) Jewish prayers […]