Recently, a rabbinic colleague shared a post that brought my attention to the following political cartoon: Clearly the cartoonist is taking a derogatory posture toward Reform Jews (as well as The Supreme Court of Israel). To be honest, I’m not interested in the cartoonist, his/her agenda, or the culture surrounding it. Eventually The […]
Every Jewish Wedding
Every Jewish wedding begins with some sort of invocation. Typically it includes the words, Bruchim habaim b’shem Adonai, berachnu hem m’beit Adonai (Welcome are those that come in the name of God, blessed are those from the house of God). When my wife, Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus, and I had the honor of officiating at my brother […]
What We Don’t Know
Consider these cliches when it comes to knowledge: “What we don’t know won’t hurt us/ can’t kill us.” “We don’t know what we don’t know.” I’m sure there are others. But recently I found myself contemplating the human condition (yes, actually contemplating the human condition) and I realized something that I’m sure many other […]
The Love Song You’ve Never Heard
So my wife, Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus, and I recorded an album of beautiful lifecycle music that we’ve written in honor of various family celebrations over the last decade. It’s called Eit HaZamir. Whether you’re Jewish or not, whether you’ve experienced the various lifecycles that are captured on the album or not, anyone should be able […]
An Optimist’s Thoughts on Istanbul (and all the rest of it)
I hope this doesn’t come across as tone deaf or dismissive. My heart breaks for Istanbul and the rest of this seemingly absurd universe. The innocent dead and wounded, the diameter of the bomb(s). There’s really nothing that can be said, done, or prayed on to restore what has been destroyed. But I’m something of […]
Mega Millions Prayer for Office Pools
O’ Heavenly Father (Mother, Source of Being, Beneficent One, Bestower of Blessings): Over the years each of us has known Your Kindness and Generosity in Myriad Ways! Each of us has been sustained and uplifted by Your Grace and Compassion! You have been our Rock and Redeemer! When we have faltered You have Steadied our […]