An exercise in creative tensions. Screaming/whispering Questioning/asserting Loving/hating Dreaming/nightmaring Hoping/despairing Laughing/crying Blessing/cursing Kind/cruel Compassionate/indifferent Transcendent/embedded Refined/coarse Soothing/grating Inspiring/numbing Nuanced/blunt Audacious/timid Calming/agitating Constructive/shattering Intentional/senseless Measured/wild Present/echoing Haunting/forgettable Knowing/doubting Eloquent/bumbling Singing/shrieking Brilliant/dim Prose/poetry Expository/planned Spirited/broken Exposing/concealing Rooted/unhinged Original/referential Harmonious/dissonant Pious/irreverent Unruly/obedient Creative/banal Celebrated/feared Amplified/muted Disclosing/concealing Humble/audacious Timely/timeless Particular/universal Human/divine As a teacher of mine once suggested, crying out […]
8 Ideas for Creating a Passionate Work Culture
Every day countless articles and blog posts cross my desk. Occasionally, rather than reading and asking whether I agree, I prefer to borrow the title and write my own version of the post. Sometimes I’ll look back and see how my own thoughts on the subject compare to the other author. Sometimes not. This is one […]
Yom Yerushalayim Recollection
I love Jerusalem. I fell in love with Jerusalem when I lived there as a rabbinical student. I fell in love with Loren Filson Lapidus in Jerusalem that same year. Like many people that have lived in Jerusalem, I’ve lived through bus bombings and other forms of terrorism and violence. And like everyone who […]
Thoughts, End of the 2015-2016 School Year
Be prepared to stumble upon holiness in every moment. We grow subtly and abruptly, we evolve and we erupt. Discovering your voice is a lifelong journey. Thank God for all kinds, because it takes all kinds. Thank God for kindness, because it takes kindness too. And thank God for kids because they remind us of so […]
36 Life Lessons, Israel 2016
I’ve just returned from leading a wonderful group of Davis Academy 8th graders on a two week Israel Trip. As I reflect on the trip, here are a few life lessons. The people you travel with are as important as the places you go. Appreciation is like salt. It makes everything taste better. One […]
5 (additional) rules for life
A few months ago I stumbled upon a 2013 piece written by Rabbi (Lord) Jonathan Sacks. It was called, “Five Rules for Life.” After skimming it, I told myself that I would, at some later time, write my own 5 rules. Here they are. By way of introduction I want to say that I have, […]