So I’ve got a doctorate in adolescent spirituality. Which basically means two things: I’m very curious about the topic I know at least some of what I don’t know Here are some ideas that my research has led me to and which I am still intrigued by: All human beings have a spiritual dimension. […]
Life Lessons, 4/5/16
The legacy of our history is determined by the content and the quality of the stories we tell. It’s human nature to attribute greater significance to the performance than to the rehearsal, though it is the rehearsal that determines the significance of the performance. When we mistake our theory for reality then […]
Life Lessons, 4/4/16
In many ways winter is more interesting than spring. The opportunity to do a mitzvah doesn’t in any way correlate to your interest or readiness to do it. Fruit salad is inherently more exciting than fruit itself. And yet without fruit, fruit salad is a complete and utter absurdity. All human beings understand the idea […]
What’s in a Meme?
Today I made my first foray into the world of memes. I’m sharing them here because, while they took little time and effort, I feel a strange sense of pride and ownership of them!
Life Lessons, Easter Sunday 2016. AKA “Draw your life in colors.”
Not really connected to Easter, but written down on Easter none-the-less. Villains are fascinating. Good friends are the greatest comfort there is. We don’t need and can’t always expect answers, but a response is nice. The beginning, middle, and end of life, and every moment in between is infused with an undeniable and pervasive […]
Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court Nomination Acceptance Speech
I happened to be in my car when President Obama announced that Merrick Garland was his nominee to the Supreme Court. Purely by coincidence I heard Garland’s acceptance speech which tells the immigration story of his family as well as explains how his parents instilled values in him and his sisters. Setting politics aside, the […]