In this post #BlogElul meets the timeless wisdom of The Grateful Dead. “Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” – Scarlet Begonias We like to think of ourselves as enlightened. Sometimes we even bask in the sunlight of our own astuteness, […]
#Hear– #BlogElul8
My beloved teacher and friend, Rabbi Jim Ponet, once told me, “Everything is either an expression of love or a cry for love.” I agreed then. I agree now. Since then I’ve tried to retrain my ear to hear the cacophony of the world as that expression or that cry.
#Be– #BlogElul7
Stop thinking, feeling, coming, going Be Stop suggesting, implying, reminding, advising Be Stop growing, progressing, advancing, evolving Be Stop ruminating, reviewing, reflecting, revising Be Stop striving, grasping, yearning, longing Be If they’ll let you If you’ll let yourself Be
In Praise of Uncertainty
There’s a part of every one of us that craves certainty. It’s human nature. But I’m increasingly of the belief that there’s tremendous value in uncertainty. The problem is that uncertainty is often so unsettling that we miss out on the benefits. Another problem is that we stigmatize uncertainty. Uncertainty isn’t on the list of […]
#Search– #BlogElul Day 3
When push comes to shove to search is really to inquire. To search is to seek to discover, to understand, to make meaning. Which brings me to Midrash. In Hebrew, Midrash is both a specific literary genre and an ongoing process. The literary genre of Midrash is most closely associated with those rabbis that sought […]
#Act– #BlogElul Day 2
#Act– to do something, to make effect some kind of change in the fabric of the universe, to set being in motion. #Act– to pretend, to disguise, to embody, to put on airs. #Act– a part of a play that has a beginning, middle, and end. A unit of existence that has narrative integrity.