Sometimes you have to relearn your own song. The playground matters. Fall is either your favorite or least favorite season. Rarely in between. Cold weather= more pockets! There’s more going on in this moment than can ever be fully appreciated. Hope rushes in the instant something bad starts to get better. Sometimes you have to […]
Life Lessons 11/13/19
Sometimes there’s traffic. Sometimes there’s not. Sometimes it’s so easy to find a parking spot that you forget to appreciate how easy it was. While an affront to the drinker, it’s quite understandable to give the Diet Coke to the person who ordered the regular Coke and vice versa. Just because someone you haven’t seen […]
We are neighbors
Last night our HOA hosted the annual Halloween party for our neighborhood. 40-50 of us gathered in our clubhouse for a pizza dinner before heading out to trick-or-treat. I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly felt an irrepressible need to make sure that everyone came together for a moment of…something. After all, […]
A Poem a Day
I just read a poem or two. It’s a rainy day and it seemed like a good thing to do. It reminded me that poets exist. Many more than we will ever know. It reminded me that we might be among those poets. And we might not even know it. There are 150 psalms in […]
Beginner’s Mind Torah
Yesterday I had to transfer a Torah scroll from The Davis Academy Lower School campus to The Davis Academy Middle School campus. The scroll was being stored in an Ark that resides in a room adjacent to our Lower School gym. When I went to get the Torah scroll, I found our kindergarten students sitting […]
3 Jewish Prayers Every Person Should Recite
This morning I found myself discussing the meaning of some of the daily prayers that Jews recite each morning. It reminded me of the relevance and maybe even the necessity of finding words like these to remind and guide us as we journey through life. So here, in a bare bones fashion, are the prayers […]