So I’m a not-so-secret Dead Head. Which means that every once in a while there’s a Grateful Dead lyric or tune that gets stuck in my head. Here’s an example… “Big boss man, can’t you hear me when I call? You ain’t so big, you just tall, that’s just about all.” Big Boss Man […]
Love that Dog
The yellow cover peeking through the cardboard box jumped out at me. What was this burst of sunlight doing in our mail room? A new book for the 3rd grade. Looks fun. The entire book is a poem? Interesting. I’ve got 10 minutes, maybe I can power through it. Moved to tears. You simply have […]
Be a blessing
In parshat Lech L’cha God commanded Abraham to leave his home, his father’s house, and the land of his birth. He also commanded Abraham: v’heyeh bracha (“Be a Blessing). Here’s a song and a poem. The song is from my album, “Be a Blessing” and the poem was just easier to write than prose. Here’s the song: V’heyeh Bracha […]
I want to take a moment to reflect on something simple and universal– our capacity to surprise. I’m not talking about springing a gift on an unsuspecting friend or colleague, but rather our capacity to surprise in a more profound way. Here’s what I’m thinking: 1) We all have the capacity to surprise ourselves and […]
God bless the Technion
We live in an age of viral videos. Most things that go viral might generously be described as unworthy. But here’s an amazing video from Technion in Israel. It’s a joyful and creative take on the Passover story. If you haven’t seen it… ENJOY.
Top Chef Atlanta?
My wife, Loren, and I continue to think that Atlanta would be a great host city for the ever popular “Top Chef.” Here’s a modest proposal of potential challenges that our city could offer (in no particular order): 1. The Airport Challenge– Hartsfield Jackson Airport is one of the busiest in the world. 2. The […]