“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” – Walt Whitman Many people mistakenly think that we live a linear existence. As our lives unfold small ideas give way to big ideas, false notions to deep truths, and so on. We progress, we self-transcend, we advance etc… […]
Gratitude list
For today… 1. I didn’t have to bring a coat of any kind to work because it’s finally warming up outside. 2. I got an email from a college friend that led to a back and forth of reconnecting. 3. 2nd graders leading the first model seder of the year and sharing their ideas for […]
13 things I hope people will be able to say about me after I die
13 things I hope people will say about me after I die (and may it be many years from now): I didn’t use templates or conform to genre expectations or worry about what things were supposed to mean. I believed in myself because I believed in others, I believed in others because I believed in […]
I want to be able to say God’s name
I was checking my email when the front desk called. There was a young man who wanted to speak with me. Of course, send him back. A 5th grade boy walked into my office, clearly stirred. What’s up? After a moment… He asked, How can I become holy enough to say God’s real name? This […]
Rethinking our defaults
I recently read a leadership blog that resonated with me. I’m not an obsessive consumer of leadership literature but I have plenty of it sent my way by virtue of my role as a leader in the Jewish community. Whenever I have the time I try to at least skim the articles that others have […]
To be is to be seen
When I was in high school my philosophy teacher, Mr. Linn (yes, I had a philosophy teacher in high school) told me that the quote, “To be is to be seen” is attributed to Jean Paul Sartre. At least I think he said it was Sartre, I might be mis-remembering. I could look it up, […]