Woke up this morning to gushing water in our front yard. Happy Sunday! The short version: our main water line needs to be replaced. Just had a plumber out here to take a look. A really nice young man. He talked me through the job in a soft spoken and friendly way. I had a […]
The Divine Image
Yesterday afternoon I’d just sat down to write an email when a co-worker of mine knocked on my door with a question that had come up during a recent bible study with her church community. We found ourselves in a conversation about what it means to be created in the Divine Image. We lingered on […]
I set out
My appointment was running late so I set out for 5 minutes of mindful walking. It’s a crisp and grey day. First I noticed the trees. Some are completely barren. Others still have leaves. Then I noticed the sound of different birds. They were singing from the woods. Then I noticed a tiny bird, must’ve been […]
Between breathing in and breathing out. Between this sentence and the next. Between thought and expression. Between hearing and listening. Between doing and doing. Between being and being. Between now and now. Between is and was. Between is and is now. A pause. — Between experience and meaning. Between meaning and memory. Between memory […]
Walk in Delight
Beyond measure, I am blessed. In ways disguised and manifest. In ways I can appreciate and ways I cannot. In ways deserved but in more ways graced. In ways that touch my daily existence and ways that don’t. Beyond measure, I am blessed. In ways that delight and ways that overwhelm. — Among these […]
God’s Hands
“God has hands. With those hands, God is touching me now.”