I’m glad I don’t have to choose a favorite holiday. I can love Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I can love Shavuot and Sukkot. But every year, when Sukkot arrives, it is literally, music to my ears. When I think of Sukkot I think of beautiful weather. I think of hanging out in a Sukkah with family and friends. I […]
What’s it like to be a rabbi?
I have a cherished colleague. Her name is Dr. M. Cathy Harmon-Christian. She teaches in the theology department at Marist. Among other things, she and I have a chavruta, a study-based friendship. It’s a lot of fun. An offshoot of that chavruta is that every so often she’ll send along a question asked by her students. “What’s […]
An Incomplete Meditation on Connectedness
An Incomplete Meditation on Connectedness I am connected to this computer to this couch to the sounds of the white noise machines in my kids’ rooms being carried through the speaker of our video monitor to the buzzer on the drying machine and the great folding that awaits to […]
Predictions for 5778
Here are some predictions for 5778. I’m pretty confident they’ll come to pass. 5778 will be a year of… radical love and radical hatred profound peace and profound violence deep connection and deep alienation wisdom and folly clarity and ambiguity health and sickness laughter and tears life and death progress and decline momentum and […]
Rise Up Baltimore!
When my colleague, Rabbi Sarah Marion, from Oheb Shalom in Baltimore reached out and asked for the music to Rise Up I was delighted. At the same time, I wondered if there’d truly be enough time before Rosh Hashanah to rehearse the song with their local church partner and pull it off. Lo and behold, […]
Overcoming Boredom: Rabbinic Advice for High Holy Day Services
In spite of our collective best efforts, I still hear people reporting anticipatory boredom when discussing their upcoming attendance at High Holy Day services. It’s a shame for a couple of reasons. First, High Holy Day services actually aren’t boring at all. Second, with all that life has to offer, there’s no reason to […]