So, “3 rabbis went to a Phish concert,” sounds like the setup for a bad joke. And maybe it is, but it happened. Or, maybe it didn’t. And it probably happens all the time. Or, maybe it doesn’t. Rabbis like Phish. Or not. Last Saturday night I checked out a local Phish show with a […]
100 Words
this story’s subject matter is, so to speak, to be determined at a later date once i’ve figured out what i need to figure out. so maybe it won’t be determined at a later date if i don’t get around to figuring out what i need to figure out. the odds are about even if i’m […]
Surrounded by Teachers
The person you most admire. Your teacher. The person you most despise. Your teacher. The person you love with all your heart. Your teacher. The person who drives you crazy. Your teacher. The person you pass by daily without ever noticing. Your teacher. The person you’ve never met. Your teacher. The childhood friend you lost […]
A Sukkah of Peace
For the last couple of years we’ve had “themed” Sukkahs at The Davis Academy. This year’s theme is: Sukkat Shlomeicha (Sukkah of God’s Peace). Or more colloquially, “The Peace Sukkah.” I’m really excited about it. The inspiration for this theme comes from a Jewish prayer called, “Hashkiveinu.” It is one of many (many) Jewish prayers […]
Life is Full of Blessings
I took a walk through Lullwater Park before Kol Nidre. I came upon this bench. I was so happy to see the message inscribed in the wood and also delighted by the fact that there’s no way to sit on it. Sometimes we leave messages, intended and unintended, for one another. We never know if, […]
Discovering Our Voices
This month’s #BlogaMonth prompt asks us to pick an issue that we are passionate about as educators. When I read the prompt I instantly knew the topic I’d choice: helping students discover their voice. Each of us is blessed with a unique voice. Think about it, no two human voices sound exactly the same. That’s […]