I took a walk through Lullwater Park before Kol Nidre. I came upon this bench. I was so happy to see the message inscribed in the wood and also delighted by the fact that there’s no way to sit on it. Sometimes we leave messages, intended and unintended, for one another. We never know if, […]
Discovering Our Voices
This month’s #BlogaMonth prompt asks us to pick an issue that we are passionate about as educators. When I read the prompt I instantly knew the topic I’d choice: helping students discover their voice. Each of us is blessed with a unique voice. Think about it, no two human voices sound exactly the same. That’s […]
A Rosh Hashanah Prayer
a good year a sweet year a caring year a kind year a listening year a connecting year a year of truth a year of strength a year of balance a year of peace a year of breathing a year of stretching a year of reaching a year of grasping a year of seeing […]
Where the Sidewalk Is
The last couple of days I’ve enjoyed walking between our Lower and Middle School campuses. The walk must be about 1/4 mile and the sad fact is that sometimes it’s quicker to walk than to drive. That, coupled with the cooler weather and the unexpected things I’ve seen and experienced while walking have made the […]
Judge (#BlogElul 19)
No one had to appoint you judge, jury, and executioner. You took that upon yourself. Like the protagonist in a Kafka story. Now you’re banging the gavel, viewing yourself through the eyes of 12 strange and unseeing peers, and dawning the black hood of your own premature demise. And like a character only Kafka […]
Ask (#BlogElul 18)
Ask. But be prepared for the silence that follows. Ask. But only if you’re cool with the response no matter how unexpected or untenable. Ask. But not if you’re sure you’ve got the answer. Ask. But only if you’re ready/willing/able to listen. — Sometimes the truest questions remain unasked because we fear the awkwardness of […]