Earlier this week I got to sing with Peter Yarrow. Context: members of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and Temple Choirs were invited to sing with Peter at the opening night of the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival. The song– Blowing in the Wind. We arrived early to meet with Peter for rehearsal. He greeted us, as […]
Reflections on Jewish Music and the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival
Later this spring I will be a part of the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival’s spring showcase. Specifically, The Well, a musical Shabbat for which I am the primary composer and band leader, will be leading a Shabbat service/ concert at a local “cidery.” Having never been to a cidery or had the honor of being […]
Ti da di da di
It’s 1am. I don’t write much at this hour, at least nowadays. But I got a text message with some upsetting news and can’t fall asleep. The news doesn’t affect me directly, but it upsets me directly, and my mind and soul are cracked open. And the screen is here to listen. Today I disposed […]
Simple Reminders
Today is a new day. It has never existed before nor will it ever exist again. Each moment is an opportunity to be present physically as well as spiritually. Today will be full of experiences whose meanings will be different for each of us, perhaps instantly known, perhaps veiled in mystery. Openness is a posture […]
Inevitability and Possibility
Yesterday I found myself thinking about inevitability and possibility. I found myself thinking about inevitability because of this week’s Torah portion, Vayeshev. Towards the beginning of the portion we read about how Jacob loved Joseph more than his other 11! sons and 1 daughter. In Genesis 37:4 we see how Jacob’s disproportionate affection triggers the […]
A Prayer for Healing
We need healing. Our world needs healing. I need healing. You probably do as well. To be human is to be broken and whole at the same time. To be human is to know that our bodies are beautifully imperfect vessels. To be human is to know that our souls can soar to the greatest […]