Sometimes Torah is referred to as Mayim Chayim or “living waters.” That’s because Torah nourishes and sustains. That’s because Torah is ever flowing. That’s because it’s possible to get swept up in a current of learning and living, of receiving life from and giving life to Torah.
Reading Emerson
How nice to have a few quiet moments on Shabbat afternoon and stumble upon an old volume of Emerson’s collected essays. One entitled, “The Poet,” called to me and in reading it I found this lovely sentiment: We know that the secret of the world is profound, but who or what shall be our interpreter, […]
#Pray– #BlogElul Day 16
#Pray means many things. Lately I’ve been listening to podcasts by Jack Kornfield. He’s a wise dude, plain and simple. Among the many recurring themes in his teachings is the idea of shooting energy from one place to another. There comes a point in the process of “sitting” when a person finds him or her […]
#Trust– #BlogElul Day 10
Trust. Judaism has a lot to say on the topic. To summarize– individual and communal trust in God is the key to a happy life. But what does that actually mean? What does it mean to trust in God? Here are a few possibilities: 1) Believing that God has a plan. A plan for […]
#Count– #BlogElul10
Counting is a basic human activity. How we count says a lot about what we value and how we live. Do we count based on quality or based on quantity? Quantitative counters might ask– How many emails did I receive today? How many voice messages? How many hits did my website get? How much new […]
#See– #BlogElul9
In this post #BlogElul meets the timeless wisdom of The Grateful Dead. “Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” – Scarlet Begonias We like to think of ourselves as enlightened. Sometimes we even bask in the sunlight of our own astuteness, […]