At our core we don’t simply want to be successful. We don’t even want to be happy. Sure, we’ll settle for success and happiness, but when we’re really honest with ourselves, we know there’s an even deeper state of being. We, all of us, want to flourish. I’ve long felt that my professional life, working […]
The art of conversation
I recently had a conversation that felt like pulling teeth. And I would know– both my father and brother are dentists. It was one of the most awkward conversations I’ve had in a long time. Analyzing why the conversation was awkward and even painful has reminded me of something I (and millions of other people) […]
First impressions
There’s always more than meets the eye, there’s always another layer, another facet, another dimension to the people in our lives, even those we know best. But at the same time it’s undeniable that sometimes we’re able to understand a person’s essence, their core commitments, their truest self, on the basis of a first impression. […]
Working on it
Lately I’ve noticed that there’s something that unites all people regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or any of the other identity/demographic markers we sometimes focus on. I’ve noticed that everyone, every single person, is working on something. Working on something? Striving toward some goal, learning a new skill or competency, working on a character trait […]
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” – Walt Whitman Many people mistakenly think that we live a linear existence. As our lives unfold small ideas give way to big ideas, false notions to deep truths, and so on. We progress, we self-transcend, we advance etc… […]
Gratitude list
For today… 1. I didn’t have to bring a coat of any kind to work because it’s finally warming up outside. 2. I got an email from a college friend that led to a back and forth of reconnecting. 3. 2nd graders leading the first model seder of the year and sharing their ideas for […]