Your loved one is 5 minutes into their commute and you see that they’re calling you from the car. Default: flat tire? car accident? fear! A colleague asks if they can speak with you about something in the morning: Default: have I angered them? let them down? fear! Fear, anger, resistance, resentment– somehow, in spite […]
Tearing down and building up
There’s a Jewish teaching that I associate (I think correctly) with Rebbe Nachman of Breslov: “If you believe that we can break something then you must also believe that we can mend it.” Unfortunately, it’s much easier to break things than to mend them. It’s much easier to tear down than to build up. It’s much easier […]
Old wounds
They say, “Old wounds die hard.” As someone who has never really kept grudges or picked at old wounds, I’ve never really understood this. But recently I found myself in a situation that was made more complicated because of some old wounds. I’m not really sure what to say about old wounds except that, though […]
We live in the age of the listserv. Yes, the listserv– that thing where a bunch of people we know or sort of know are able to send an email to the rest of us. That thing that pings our inbox every-so-often with something that we have the time or the interest to read. That […]
Over the last couple of months I’ve been part of an extended conversation with someone that I met through work. There’s nothing like quite like a great conversation. The kind of conversation that makes you think, leads to epiphanies, and stands out as a highlight of your day. The kind of conversation built on openness, […]
Everyone loves a raffle
Because it’s the Hebrew month of Adar and Jewish tradition encourages us to not take ourselves too seriously and have a little fun I’ve been thinking of ways to spice up some of the weekly prayer services we have at The Davis Academy. Last week we did something so fun and so simple it actually […]