We’ve just entered the Hebrew month of Adar. In a few weeks we’ll celebrate the holiday of Purim. Purim is one of Judaism’s most complicated and interesting holidays. But this post is about Adar. The Talmud teaches that the onset of the month of Adar means that our “joy should increase.” It’s nice to be […]
Not unlike the handwritten letter, voicemail is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Leaving voicemail (not to mention checking voicemail) is a cumbersome task. You’ve got to push a few buttons, wait a few seconds, and then endure the sound of the human voice, all the while wondering how said human voice is going […]
Igniting the Spark
I mentioned the other day that my colleague, Rabbi Dr. Michael Shire, and I co-led a session entitled, “Igniting the Spark: Adolescent Spirituality” at the recent NFTY Conference Youth Summit in Atlanta. The session title was inspired by the work of Peter Benson (of blessed memory). Here’s his TED Talk. It’s worth watching if you’re […]
Waking up with “wow”
Today our little guy (15 months) woke up around 5am as he typically does. And the first word that we heard echoing through the speaker of the baby monitor was, “Wow!” What if we all woke up with “wow” on our lips and in our hearts? The memory and the thought of it has kept […]
When a Mentor Becomes a Colleague
This week I had the honor of leading a session for the NFTY Convention’s Youth Summit which took place in Atlanta. The session was titled, “Igniting the Spark: Adolescent Spirituality” and it was lead by me and my colleague, Rabbi Dr. Michael Shire, dean of the Shoolman Graduate School of Jewish Education at Hebrew College. […]
10 Words for Joy
A recent Facebook thread among Reform rabbis caught my eye. One of my colleagues asked if any of us knew the citation for a Jewish text that teaches 10 different terms for “rejoicing.” Another colleague quickly posted the text. Here it is (Avot de Rabbi Natan 34 or Shir Hashirim Rabbah 1:4): “Rejoicing is designated […]