We are blessed to know people. People like Davona. People who bring light and joy and sweetness into our lives. People who make our lives better. Simply by virtue of our bumping into them in the hallway. In the cafeteria. In the workroom. People whose laugh lowers our blood pressure. Whose faith remind us that […]
A Blessing for the Night Before School Starts
This blessing can be read the night before the first day of school, or the morning of… A Back to School Blessing for 2019-2020 Tomorrow our family goes back to school. While we are sad that summer break is coming to an end, we are excited for all that the new school year brings. There […]
This Darkness Has to Give: 2019 GD Meetup Review
This year’s Grateful Dead Meetup at the Movies was my 3rd foray into the world of movie theater Grateful Dead weirdness. When I saw that the footage was a show from Giants Stadium 1991 I wasn’t sure what to expect. I know that 91 had some particularly hot and memorable moments, due mostly to the […]
The Music Plays the Band- Dead and Company, Atlanta, GA 6/29/19
The date was on my calendar for months. In some ways, the anticipation of a Saturday afternoon of Dead and Company is its own reward. Andy and I rolled down to the show with plenty of time to navigate the parking quandary. We parked in a church. A good sign. Heading toward Shakedown we heard […]
I recently saw Rocketman, the Elton John biopic. I’m writing this short reflection as someone who is admittedly, not an Elton John fan. It’s not that I don’t like some of his songs or appreciate his musicality, it’s just that he’s not one of my guys. Said differently, this film exposed me to more of […]
Satan & Adam- Film Review
Last night I watched the documentary Satan & Adam. It resonated with me as a musician, as a rabbi, and quite simply as a human being. The film chronicles the unlikely relationship between two blues musicians who met on a street in Harlem. And much more. Here I’ll simply offer a few personal takeaways. Music […]