I have a name, but I am not my name
I have a body, but I am not my body
I have a job, but I am not my job
I have a family, but I am not my family
I have thoughts, I have feelings, I have hopes, I have fears, I have a past, I have memories, I have a soul. Power, weakness, faith, doubt, anger, wonder, love, hate.
But I am not these things.
Were I to consider any of these things to be me, I would be mistaking the part for the whole.
Even when I take all these things together
And everything else I think I am
I still have not arrived at the whole,
At me.
So long as I try to discover myself in reference to what I am, what I have, and how I exist in the world
I will likely never arrive at anything approaching the ultimate reality of my existence.
On in understanding that I am you and you and you and this and this and that and all the rest and nothing will eventually get closer to my I-ness.