As a day school rabbi I work with kids pretty much every day. Having been at it for the last decade, I’m now able to say, somewhat conclusively, that there are certain perennial topics that kids are curious about. One of them is the relationship between science and religion. Because kids seem to linger in […]
Jewish Teachings
Shemini Atzeret
What is Shemini Atzeret? I can’t imagine how many Jews have asked that question and are still left wondering! Here’s a bit of an explanation/interpretation. Shemini Atzeret is a festival that follows immediately on the heels of Sukkot, one of the 3 major festivals of Jewish tradition. Because Shemini Atzeret starts just as Sukkot […]
Everyday holiness
There’s long been a distinction in Judaism between “Kodesh” (“Holy”) and “Chol” (“Profane/Mundane”). In fact, the Havdalah Service at the end of Shabbat includes a blessing that thanks God for distinguishing between these two different states- Kodesh and Chol. The distinction comes from the fact that the rabbis of ancient times thought that part of […]
Do Not Weigh
“When you talk to people, do no weigh whether or not their thoughts are clinging steadfastly to God. A soul that weighs suffers harm.” This Hasidic teaching, from Martin Buber’s Ten Rungs: Hasidic Sayings, speaks to me. When talking with someone, wouldn’t it be nice to just… talk. To quiet the voice that is […]
Choosing our Sorrows
If each of us were to take our sorrows and put them in a box… [Goes a Hasidic teaching] And then given a choose of choosing any box we wished… Each of us would take back our own, for all the rest would seem even more difficult to bear. What I learn from this Hasidic […]
A Sukkah of Peace
For the last couple of years we’ve had “themed” Sukkahs at The Davis Academy. This year’s theme is: Sukkat Shlomeicha (Sukkah of God’s Peace). Or more colloquially, “The Peace Sukkah.” I’m really excited about it. The inspiration for this theme comes from a Jewish prayer called, “Hashkiveinu.” It is one of many (many) Jewish prayers […]