As a rabbi, I lament the fact that so many Jews feel that Judaism is a stuffy, boring, repetitive tradition. I lament (and sometimes even resent) this because it’s simply NOT true. It’s actually dead wrong. Jewish rituals, Jewish holiday observances, Jewish worship– all of these, in their truest expressions, are the opposite of stuffy, […]
Life Lessons
It’s not perfect but it’s all yours
Walking in Tel Aviv’s Yemenite Quarter I saw this painted on a wall: It’s become a mantra for me. It’s not perfect. It (whatever it is) isn’t meant to be perfect. It can’t, shouldn’t and won’t ever be perfect. But it’s all yours. In its imperfection. In its brokenness. In its flawed, lacking, and at times underwhelming state. […]
At our core we don’t simply want to be successful. We don’t even want to be happy. Sure, we’ll settle for success and happiness, but when we’re really honest with ourselves, we know there’s an even deeper state of being. We, all of us, want to flourish. I’ve long felt that my professional life, working […]
Working on it
Lately I’ve noticed that there’s something that unites all people regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or any of the other identity/demographic markers we sometimes focus on. I’ve noticed that everyone, every single person, is working on something. Working on something? Striving toward some goal, learning a new skill or competency, working on a character trait […]
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” – Walt Whitman Many people mistakenly think that we live a linear existence. As our lives unfold small ideas give way to big ideas, false notions to deep truths, and so on. We progress, we self-transcend, we advance etc… […]
13 things I hope people will be able to say about me after I die
13 things I hope people will say about me after I die (and may it be many years from now): I didn’t use templates or conform to genre expectations or worry about what things were supposed to mean. I believed in myself because I believed in others, I believed in others because I believed in […]