The deepest truths of human experience and reality can’t be taught. They can’t be acquired. Uploaded. Downloaded. Inputed. Scanned. Computed. Etc. They’re already there, in the inmost place where things sometimes find themselves forgotten, disregarded, shunned, or otherwise put out of mind. You and I already know them. Whether we’ve been too preoccupied to meditate on […]
Life Lessons
Something Ken Wilber Said
Recently I checked out an episode of the podcast, “The Indie Spiritualist,” that had an interview between host, Chris Grosso and renowned philosopher, Ken Wilber. I’ve long been intrigued by the idea of Ken Wilber without actually knowing much about his thoughts and ideas. The Indie Spiritualist has inspired me to learn more. During the […]
Then and now
today I found myself praying in the chapel that I prayed in as a rabbinical student. Sitting among the rabbinical students and professors I found myself overcome with emotion i thought about their voices and the voices that filled this same space in the years when I was a rabbinical student I thought about my […]
Life is Full of Blessings
I took a walk through Lullwater Park before Kol Nidre. I came upon this bench. I was so happy to see the message inscribed in the wood and also delighted by the fact that there’s no way to sit on it. Sometimes we leave messages, intended and unintended, for one another. We never know if, […]
Learn (#BlogElul 14)
learn yourself what makes you happy and what you do in that happiness what makes you sad and what you do with that sadness what makes you angry and where that anger lives within you what brings you peace and what you do with that peace what makes you smile and what your smile […]
Forgive (#BlogElul 12)
Forgive yourself forgive others forgive God forgive the universe forgive the past forgive the present forgive the future if you believe there is something that needs to be forgiven. But also know that everything that you’ve done, everything that has happened to you, whether human, divine, or self-afflicted, has already been transformed into something other […]