Another Shabbat approaches, another week has gone by. Part of the beauty of Shabbat is letting go, part of the beauty of life is holding on. In that spirit, here are a few life lessons I’m carrying over from my week and into Shabbat: Every day is somebody’s birthday. Meanings aren’t fixed. Instead, we construct […]
Life Lessons
Two affirmations of humanity
This week I had two separate series of experiences that reaffirmed two aspects of our shared humanity that I think are of great value. The first affirmation was an affirmation of the creativity capacity within each person. As human being we want, we yearn, we need to and can’t avoid engaging with our creativity. […]
Life Lessons- NOLA
I’ve just come back from two very special days in New Orleans. I was invited to NOLA by a dear colleague that I’ve known for many years and who is head of the Jewish Community Day School of New Orleans. On Sunday night I had the honor of being the musical guest at the school’s […]
Reading Emerson
How nice to have a few quiet moments on Shabbat afternoon and stumble upon an old volume of Emerson’s collected essays. One entitled, “The Poet,” called to me and in reading it I found this lovely sentiment: We know that the secret of the world is profound, but who or what shall be our interpreter, […]
#Prepare– Blog Elul 2015, Day 1
As I pointed out in a previous post, the Hebrew month of Elul is upon is. Elul is the temporal highway that leads into the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah. #BlogElul, curated by my colleague, Rabbi Phyllis Sommer, is an opportunity to celebrate the spiritual work that Elul invites. I won’t hit every one of […]
Life Lessons
1. Never miss an opportunity to cuddle with your kids. 2. It’s a joy to be able to give people what they want, especially when they want something good and positive. 3. Forgetting to pick up the dry cleaning is pretty easy to do. 4. Just because you encounter the same situation or opportunity doesn’t […]