a good year a sweet year a caring year a kind year a listening year a connecting year a year of truth a year of strength a year of balance a year of peace a year of breathing a year of stretching a year of reaching a year of grasping a year of seeing […]
Where the Sidewalk Is
The last couple of days I’ve enjoyed walking between our Lower and Middle School campuses. The walk must be about 1/4 mile and the sad fact is that sometimes it’s quicker to walk than to drive. That, coupled with the cooler weather and the unexpected things I’ve seen and experienced while walking have made the […]
Learn (#BlogElul 14)
learn yourself what makes you happy and what you do in that happiness what makes you sad and what you do with that sadness what makes you angry and where that anger lives within you what brings you peace and what you do with that peace what makes you smile and what your smile […]
I continue to try and engage the themes of #BlogElul. Today’s topic: HEAR. I. Hear a baby crying Hear a baby laughing Hear a child whispering Hear a child speaking Hear a child singing Hear a woman talking Hear a woman praying Hear a man walking Hear a man coughing Hear feet shifting Hear a […]
Choose life
The Torah teaches, “Choose life…” Choose life. Choose blessing. Choose laughter. Choose openness to change. Choose fearlessness. Choose spaciousness. Choose loving-kindness. Choose walking. Choose dancing. Choose listening. Choose quieting. Choose responding. Choose awakening. Choose seeing. Choose breathing. Choose compassion. Choose community. Choose learning. Choose honesty. Choose equanimity. Choose love. Choose life.
The Human Voice
An exercise in creative tensions. Screaming/whispering Questioning/asserting Loving/hating Dreaming/nightmaring Hoping/despairing Laughing/crying Blessing/cursing Kind/cruel Compassionate/indifferent Transcendent/embedded Refined/coarse Soothing/grating Inspiring/numbing Nuanced/blunt Audacious/timid Calming/agitating Constructive/shattering Intentional/senseless Measured/wild Present/echoing Haunting/forgettable Knowing/doubting Eloquent/bumbling Singing/shrieking Brilliant/dim Prose/poetry Expository/planned Spirited/broken Exposing/concealing Rooted/unhinged Original/referential Harmonious/dissonant Pious/irreverent Unruly/obedient Creative/banal Celebrated/feared Amplified/muted Disclosing/concealing Humble/audacious Timely/timeless Particular/universal Human/divine As a teacher of mine once suggested, crying out […]