Every day countless articles and blog posts cross my desk. Occasionally, rather than reading and asking whether I agree, I prefer to borrow the title and write my own version of the post. Sometimes I’ll look back and see how my own thoughts on the subject compare to the other author. Sometimes not. This is one […]
36 Life Lessons, Israel 2016
I’ve just returned from leading a wonderful group of Davis Academy 8th graders on a two week Israel Trip. As I reflect on the trip, here are a few life lessons. The people you travel with are as important as the places you go. Appreciation is like salt. It makes everything taste better. One […]
5 (additional) rules for life
A few months ago I stumbled upon a 2013 piece written by Rabbi (Lord) Jonathan Sacks. It was called, “Five Rules for Life.” After skimming it, I told myself that I would, at some later time, write my own 5 rules. Here they are. By way of introduction I want to say that I have, […]
Life Lessons, Monday, 4/11/16
The past is only the past until it suddenly, unexpectedly, and undeniably comes crashing into the present. Download time matters. The universe is a strange and absurd canvas upon which we paint the human experience. (3 cont’d…) either as an imitation of Monet or Pollock. The unimaginable is sometimes best left unimaginable. There’s the day […]
Life Lessons, 4/9/16, Memphis Airport
Don’t worry. When it’s long passed time to replace your “camelbak” water bottle, but you continue to forget to do so, you will conveniently leave it somewhere, likely a bathroom stall. Several times the Torah mentions that a particular experience lasted 40 days. I used to think that basically meant, “a long time.” Now I […]
Life Lessons, 4/8/16 from Atlanta to Memphis
Airports– one of the few public spaces where it’s not only appropriate but appreciated when people direct you toward your baggage. Airplanes– designed to fulfill a tremendous human need but done so in a way that denies or disregards pretty much every other human need in the process. Why is it so comforting to be […]