You might say… “I have nothing to say.” Or, “I have something to say but I’m unwilling to say it.” Or, “I have something to say but I don’t know how.” Or, “I’m not sure how it will sound.” Or, “It won’t make any sense.” Or, “If I say it, someone might think less, more, or […]
Life Lessons January 29th, 2016
Another Shabbat approaches, another week has gone by. Part of the beauty of Shabbat is letting go, part of the beauty of life is holding on. In that spirit, here are a few life lessons I’m carrying over from my week and into Shabbat: Every day is somebody’s birthday. Meanings aren’t fixed. Instead, we construct […]
#Act– #BlogElul Day 2
#Act– to do something, to make effect some kind of change in the fabric of the universe, to set being in motion. #Act– to pretend, to disguise, to embody, to put on airs. #Act– a part of a play that has a beginning, middle, and end. A unit of existence that has narrative integrity.
30 essential questions for life p.1/6
The Hebrew month of Elul begins tomorrow. It’s a month of spiritual reflection and preparation culminating in Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. In honor of Elul I’ll be posting what I’m calling “30 essential questions for life.” Here are the first 5: 1) What am I running toward? What am I running from? 2) […]
Life Lessons
1. Never miss an opportunity to cuddle with your kids. 2. It’s a joy to be able to give people what they want, especially when they want something good and positive. 3. Forgetting to pick up the dry cleaning is pretty easy to do. 4. Just because you encounter the same situation or opportunity doesn’t […]
10 things that happened
1. Finished the On Being podcast interview with Mary Oliver. She pointed out the importance of paying attention and suggested that paying attention was a gateway toward cultivating empathy– attention being necessary but not sufficient. This interview, brought to my attention via Brain Pickings, is REQUIRED listening for all human beings. 2. Ran two miles until my […]