The deepest truths of human experience and reality can’t be taught. They can’t be acquired. Uploaded. Downloaded. Inputed. Scanned. Computed. Etc. They’re already there, in the inmost place where things sometimes find themselves forgotten, disregarded, shunned, or otherwise put out of mind. You and I already know them. Whether we’ve been too preoccupied to meditate on […]
But I am Not
I have a name, but I am not my name I have a body, but I am not my body I have a job, but I am not my job I have a family, but I am not my family I have thoughts, I have feelings, I have hopes, I have fears, I have a […]
Inspired by Chagall’s La Vie
some of us climb ladders some stand on our heads some bend over backwards some take giant steps some twist and dance and lift our arms some spin around in circles some cover our eyes and our children’s eyes some of us fall out of the sky some of us bang drums and play cellos […]
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
A recent writing prompt asked me to share a video that I’ve used in an educational setting. As it happens, tomorrow I’m planning to show our Davis Academy Middle School students this incredible video of Patti Smith singing Bob Dylan’s “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” at the 2016 Nobel Ceremony. I’m showing this video for a […]
The Airport
Going home going away from home on vacation off to work for pleasure out of obligation to care for the sick to consult an expert to get a second opinion to see an old friend to make music to see art to attend a meeting to present at a conference to learn to fulfill a […]
How can we say thank you more often?
It’s simple. Did you have a good day? Thank you. A bad day? Thank you. A frustrating day? Thank you. A blessed day? Thank you. A forgettable day? Thank you. A boring day? Thank you. An inspiring day? Thank you. A transformational day? Thank you. An unsettling day? Thank you. A peaceful day? Thank […]