Be prepared to stumble upon holiness in every moment. We grow subtly and abruptly, we evolve and we erupt. Discovering your voice is a lifelong journey. Thank God for all kinds, because it takes all kinds. Thank God for kindness, because it takes kindness too. And thank God for kids because they remind us of so […]
Thank God for the Psalms
There are 150 Psalms in the Hebrew Bible. And I thank God for the psalms on what feels like a daily basis. Why? Because I am so glad that the faith tradition that I practice, teach, and represent has poetry at the heart of its sacred scripture. While reading this post here’s a song […]
You might say…
You might say… “I have nothing to say.” Or, “I have something to say but I’m unwilling to say it.” Or, “I have something to say but I don’t know how.” Or, “I’m not sure how it will sound.” Or, “It won’t make any sense.” Or, “If I say it, someone might think less, more, or […]
The prayer of my heart
Adonai my God Source of Life Thank you Thank you for this morning For waking up For sneaking out of the house while everyone else was still asleep For the cup of coffee I enjoyed on the way to the gym For the fact that my body didn’t rebel when I started […]
#Be– #BlogElul7
Stop thinking, feeling, coming, going Be Stop suggesting, implying, reminding, advising Be Stop growing, progressing, advancing, evolving Be Stop ruminating, reviewing, reflecting, revising Be Stop striving, grasping, yearning, longing Be If they’ll let you If you’ll let yourself Be
I am here
I am here to grow. I am here to grow physically: to be able to accomplish things with my body that I couldn’t before. I am here to grow intellectually: to expand my mind and increase my ability to understand and make meaning. I am here to grow emotionally: to become a better friend, kinder […]