Let’s start with the basics. The album is called Menschology. I didn’t make the word up, but it is a made up word. I define it loosely as, “The journey we take to becoming a person of integrity and honor.” It’s Hello, Goodbye & Peace’s 4th album. It’s the 3rd album done in partnership with The Davis Academy, Atlanta’s Reform Jewish Day School.

The 18+ songs on Menschology are all inspired by the menschlichkeit values of The Davis Academy, Atlanta’s Reform Jewish Day School. I’m the rabbi there. It’s an awesome school. The Davis Academy’s menschlichkeit values are:
Kavod (respect/honor)
Ruach (spirit)
Kehilah (community)
Tzedek (righteousnes)
Chochmah (wisdom)
Every song on Menschology traces its inspiration back to one or more of these five values.
That’s the basics.