#Pray means many things. Lately I’ve been listening to podcasts by Jack Kornfield. He’s a wise dude, plain and simple.
Among the many recurring themes in his teachings is the idea of shooting energy from one place to another. There comes a point in the process of “sitting” when a person finds him or her self overflowing with energy and with love. In that moment the person might find him or her self shooting beams of love, compassion, concern, or some other kind of energy toward another person, a group of people, or a part of the world.
I love this idea. I love the idea that my spiritual practice leads me to something beyond and greater than myself. I love the idea that I could reach a point of such shefa (overabundance, emanation, pouring forth) that I might be able to, without condescension or moral superiority, be able to shoot beams of blessing to the 4 corners of the earth.
At this exact moment, that’s what it means to me to pray.