We’ve just entered the Hebrew month of Adar. In a few weeks we’ll celebrate the holiday of Purim. Purim is one of Judaism’s most complicated and interesting holidays. But this post is about Adar.
The Talmud teaches that the onset of the month of Adar means that our “joy should increase.” It’s nice to be instructed to be happy as sometimes this isn’t our default emotion.
One nice thing that the arrival of Adar evokes for me this year has to do with my 3.7 year old daughter who attends our synagogue’s Jewish pre-school. Her grandparents from California recently came to Atlanta for a visit. As the visit was coming to an end the topic turned toward when they’d be coming back. She told them, “I’ll see you in Adar!”
My wife and I couldn’t help but smile at the idea that our daughter is thinking about life through the lens of Jewish time. Of course this is the same kid who changed the lyrics to the infamous Shabbat Dinosaur song so that it became, “There’s a dinosaur, knocking on Caleb’s head. He’s knocking on Caleb’s head!” Which allowed her to knock on her little brother’s head.
I hope everyone who is welcoming Adar sees a noticeable uprising of joy in the days and weeks ahead.