I recently found myself in a Tefilah discussion with 1st graders. We were exploring the idea that God created everything. From the smallest grain of sand to the tallest mountain, from the dolphins that swim within site of the shore to… the mighty a resilient cockroach.
What do you do when you see a cockroach, perhaps in your kitchen, your bedroom, or bathroom? It’s a common occurence in Georgia for sure. I confessed, as did most of my 1st grade friends, that the most likely response is to roll up a magazine or find a hefty Stephen King novel and “eliminate the threat.”
But if God created everything, even the cockroach, aren’t we hurting God’s creation?
This is obviously not a new dilemma. And we all know folks who go to great measures to remove insects and other less desireable house guests in a more compassionate manor. But I was and am truly curious to know what this group of thoughtful 1st graders thinks is the best course of action.
As is the case for many Jewish discussions, we didn’t get to answers, we only had time to raise the question. I look forward to hearing their thoughts and am prepared for them to further shine a light on the problematic theology of squashing cockroachs that show up in my home unwanted.